What to expect during your visit
At The Brunswick Osteopathy Clinic we focus on a holistic approach to your health care.
For this reason, initial consultations involve asking questions about your current complaint, your general medical history, any medications you might be taking, and other lifestyle factors such as your occupation, exercise and sleep.
Your osteopath will then conduct a clinical assessment which is specific to your presentation. It may involve range of motion, strength testing, palpation and specific orthopaedic and other clinical tests. This is to identify and assess areas of weakness, tenderness, restriction or strain within your body. Once a diagnosis is reached, your osteopath will discuss this with you and commence treatment.
Osteopaths are trained in a wide variety of techniques which allows them to treat each patient with what is suitable for them. Osteopaths often also prescribe exercise and stretches and offer ergonomic, breathing and lifestyle advice.
Please allow up to 45 minutes for your first consultation.
Do I need a GP referral?
Many patients are referred to osteopaths by their doctors, other health practitioners or personal trainers. However, as osteopaths are primary care practitioners, you can make an appointment directly without a referral.
What should I bring?
Please bring along any imaging (x-ray, MRI scans etc) or tests results that are relevant to your complaint.
You may bring a chaperone if you wish. Plan to attend along with your child if your child is the patient.
What should I wear?
Your Osteopath may ask you to undress as part of standard examination and treatment. However, it is important that you feel comfortable, so you may want to wear flexible pants or bring a pair of shorts to change into. We also provide gowns if you prefer.
Is osteopathic treatment painful?
Our aim is always to provide a comfortable treatment experience.
Osteopathy uses manual therapy which may include massage, stretching, repetitive movements, mobilisation and/or manipulation if indicated.
If your injuries or complaints do require hands-on treatment of painful and tender areas, your practitioner will exercise care to make you as comfortable as possible.
Some people experience mild soreness for a day or two after treatment, similar to that felt after mild exercise. If this soreness persists or increases significantly, please call the clinic to discuss your concerns.